Enrichment Week
Further guidance has now been obtained regarding Enrichment week, this has now been cancelled due to COVID-19. The Academy is currently in the process of organising refunds to parents for any monies paid so far. Staff will be contacting parents/carers to arrange.
(Page updated: 15/05/2020)
After the success of the last three year’s enrichment weeks, the Academy has organised an extensive range of trips, activities and residential opportunities for 2020.
Enrichment days will take place on Monday 13th, Tuesday 14th, Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th July 2020. During this week, students will not be in timetabled lessons, but instead we have organised an exciting range of enrichment activities for them to choose from.
At the Academy, we believe that educational and fun activities are essential for learning and personal development. These activities open their eyes to new experiences as well as motivating and rewarding them after a long hard year of studying.
A copy of the Enrichment Week First Choice and Enrichment Week Year 10 Choice forms was sent home with students, a copy is available for download if your child has lost their copy.
Don't forget.. You can only pay for your child's school trips via Parent Mail, the Academy's dedicated online payment system. For more information, please visit our Academy Apps page or for support contact our dedicated Parental Support email address (click here to send an email).
Individual options for the activity days for each year group are available by clicking below.