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Don't forget: Exam results will be sent to you on your Academy email address. If you need to have your password reset please request a reset via our online password reset form.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding your examination results, please do not hesitate to contact the Academy to discuss using the email address:

Summer Exam Timetable 2024

9AM Exam- Be at venue no later than 8.45am

1PM Exam - Be at venue no later than 12.45pm

Turn phones off, not on silent or aeroplane mode.

Remove notes from pockets, AND put phone, lanyard, notes, watch, ear pods in their school bags and hand to an invigilator- These are prohibited items and malpractice, consequences: warning, zero marks on paper or disqualification

Exam Regulation Information

To allow our students to achieve their full potential, the Academy must adhere to the rules and regulations set by external exam boards known as "Exam Conditions".

Failure to follow these conditions could result in disqualification of the student. 



All examination candidates are required to read the information in the documents below. 

Exam Rules and Regulations

Documents from the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ)

Written Examinations

Coursework Assessments

Controlled Assessments

Non-Examination Assessments

On-Screen Tests

Social Media

Privacy Notice

Preparing to Sit Your Exams

Exam Rules &Regulations

Prohibited Items

AI and Assessments Guide