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A Student Entitlement to a Careers Programme which will:

  1. Enable students of all abilities to make informed choices relating to their education and future Career Plans.
  2. Support all of our students to become confident, independent, lifelong learners and achieve their full potential.

Why is it important?

  1. Preparation for work.
  2. Provides access to accurate, relevant and up to date information about pathways to Further Education, Employment & Training.
  3. Supports your understanding of the current labour market and how the changes affect you.

How does it support student development?

Careers Education is an important part of Work Related Learning.

It involves:

1. SELF DEVELOPMENT Understanding yourself.
2. CAREERS EXPLORATION Investigating your opportunities in Learning and Pathways to Work.
3. CAREER MANAGEMENT Making, reviewing and changing your plans.

Who can help?

Mrs C Ebanks-Powell Careers Leader.
Mrs A Devey Head of Year 11.
Mrs R Field Head of Sixth Form.
PDP Tutors Deliver Careers lessons to years 9, 10 & 11.
Mr A Ditta Link Governor. 

Parents/Carers – Your involvement is very important. Please talk with your child about future Career plans and use online resources together.

Learn about Apprenticeships

Join us to celebrate National Apprenticeship Week 2022 at an event aiming to provide young people, parents and carers with information about apprenticeship opportunities in the Black Country, Birmingham and Solihull. Featuring live vacancies, impact stories, support and guidance.

No registration needed, just follow the link!

Contact our Careers Leader

Please contact: Mrs C Ebanks-Powell
Telephone: 01922 721071

For more Information see our
dedicated Careers site, for Careers Information, guidance, and policies