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Start of Term Arrangements - September 2023

Information and arrangements for students and parents for 6th September 2023

For more information on new students joining us in Year 7 in September please click here.

Time Wednesday 6th September: STUDENTS PHASED RETURN – see times below for each year

Year 7 Students arrive at the Lord Street Entrance and be met by their Head of Year, Form Tutors and Pastoral staff and go to Forms in the CBB building with form tutor for introduction. Parents have been notified of forms in information sent at the end of term.

Their break time will be on the Yard by KWB2 and toilets and refreshments in KWB2.

Year 12 arrive through the West End Gates (as students did when they were Year 11) and go to new Form Rooms (subject based rooms).  

Form groups will have been issued on results day on enrolment (see below).
Period 1-2

Year 7 will have an assembly and introduction to Class Charts with Mr L Gain (HOY) and Mrs N Kaur (Assistant Principal) followed by logging into class charts.

This will be followed by tutor based activities.
  New Year 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13 stay at home for periods 1 and 2

All other years come in through their entrances and remain in break zones until 11.10 and go to their forms*

Year 8 – Arrive at KWB2 Reception – Break zone –Science Area

Year 9 –Arrive KWB2 Reception – Break zone -outside CBB – a change from last two years.

Year 10 – Arrive Lord Street Left Hand side – Break zone - outside KWB1 section by canteen (as this year).

Year 11 – Arrive West End Gates – Break zone -on yard by West Hall

Year 13 – Arrive at West End Gates (or entrance nearest form) Break zone outside P16 block.

*Students have been informed of their forms at the end of term and will also be sent their timetable by email in the holidays.

Students in Years 8, 9, and 10 will all have a Teams assembly with their Head of Year during this form time.
11.15am - 12.15pm

All Years in Form - timetables and pastoral matters and any Protocols including reminder of Zones and lunches (see below).

Year 12 will go to assembly after break: 11.15-11.45

Year 13 will have an assembly: 11.45-12.15

Period 4

12.15pm - 13.45pm

Lessons commence Period 4

Lunch arrangements – see below for the times of lunches as these may have changed as you move up in years.
Period 5 13.50pm - 14.50pm

Period 5 – All students in lessons

Entrances and Zones at break and lunchtime:

Year 7 – Arrive Lord Street Left Hand side – Break zone KWB2 yard area (break toilets KWB2)

Year 8 - Arrive at KWB2 Reception - Break zone outside Science (break toilets in PE block)

Year 9 – Arrive at KWB2 Reception –Break time will be in new zone - CBB and in front of Technology/Art (break toilets in CBB)

Year 10 –Arrive Lord Street Left hand side – Break in KWB and (break toilets ground floor KWB).

Year 11 – Arrive West End Gates – Break on yard by West Hall = (break toilets West End)

Year 12/13 – Arrive at West End Gates (or entrance nearest form) – (toilets in nearest block) – Zone outside P16 block.

Lunches for years during the period 4 lesson – times are based on new timetable with new Y7/9 having split lunches.

1st lunch: 12.15 – 12.45New Year 11’s and Year 12/13’s. Year 11’s will be at West End. Toilets  - West End Toilets. Y12/13 in Canteen and surrounding zone – Toilets – KWB2.

2nd Lunch 12.45 – 13.15New Year 7 and New Year 9. Year 7 will be on yard by canteen (Toilets KWB2). New Year 9 will be West End – on yard with West Hall lunches – West End Toilets - this will be new.

3rd lunch: 13.15 – 13.45 – New Year 8 and New Year 10 – Year 8’s on yard by Canteen – like they were when they were year 7 toilets KWB2. Year 10’s on yard at west end as they were when they were Year 9 – West End Toilets.

Please note the West End Toilets will be re-furbished and re-opened in September and students should remain in their own zones at break and lunchtimes and not cross into other zones.

Current Year 8’s and 9’s will be issued their new form tutors if this has changed before the end of term and form classes.

*Current Year 10’s will be sent their new forms during the summer holidays so should check your emails so that you know who your form tutor is and where you will be located in which building so please do check your emails.

* Year 12 start: All current Year 11 students who have applied to the Sixth Form should come in on results day (August 24th) to complete enrolment (unless an alternative arrangement has been agreed with Mrs Field in exceptional circumstances) and will be given timetables and forms.