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A-Level Results FAQs

1) Do I need to come into the Academy?

In general, the answer to this is NO. You will receive your results by email and you can email any questions you have to your teachers etc. If you have got a place in your next stage of education/apprenticeship etc. then you are not required to come into the Academy. You should know if this is not the case, and you will be able to see whether you have met the grades you needed for your conditional offer. 

The only students who need to come into the Academy are:

1. A-Level/BTEC students who have not got their university place and need assistance to go through clearing etc. 

If you do fit into this category, you need to call reception and make an appointment to see the relevant staff on site- most likely Mrs Field or Miss Jones then please attend at your required appointment time. 

If you do not fit into this category, then there is no need for you to attend. Please do not come onto the Academy site.

2) How was my result worked out? 

As is the case with all national results this year, Teacher Assessed Grades have been used. Your teachers have used a range of criteria to ensure that the most accurate representation of your performance has been used. You can read about how Teacher Assessed Grades were arrived at on the Examinations section of the Joseph Leckie Academy Website in a document called 'How Teacher Assessed Grades were calculated at Joseph Leckie'. TAGs were sent off to the exam awarding bodies in June, so you will receive your grade directly from the examination boards, who will also notify the universities of your results. 

3) I am not happy with the results I was given, can I appeal?

There is an appeals process in line with the government guidance. You can see the JCQ appeals procedure on the Academy website, in the section entitled ‘Examinations’.

4) I am not happy with the results I was given, can I sit these exams now?

You have been given results that were decided on by your teacher’s predictions, based on the work you have been completing over the whole course and your own past results. If you are not happy with the results, you can sit exams in October (A-Levels) and November (GCSEs). However, you must be aware that there will be no additional teaching for you to do this and you will need to revise and prepare for this outside of Academy time. Sitting exams will be difficult at this time, as you will have started new courses and many of you will have left. We advise that, in order to sit these exams, you first of all have a meeting with the teachers from the subjects you intend to sit to hear whether they consider it a good option. If you would like to sit the exams, please email and a member of staff will contact you to discuss your options. You need to discuss this as a matter of urgency - please see question 6 below.

5) If I do want to re-sit, when will I need to tell the Academy?

If you have discussed the potential to sit exams with your teacher and parents/carers and have concluded that you want to do this, you will need to let the school know of your intention to enter as soon as possible. We have set deadlines of Friday August 27th for A-Level resit entries and Friday 10th September for GCSE resit entries. No entries will be accepted after those dates. 

6) I want to see my friends today. Can I come into school?

No, if you do not meet any of the requirements outlined above in terms of entry to the sixth form or UCAS Clearing requirements, then you do not need to come into the Academy. The Academy has to abide by existing COVID-19 and social distancing guidelines and is therefore required to keep the number of students down to the bare minimum. We are sad that you will not have this opportunity to celebrate finishing school with your friends, and we are looking into the ways that we can have a celebration evening during the coming school year, which you will be invited to.

7) What social distancing guidelines do I have to follow if I come into school on results day?

If you are required to come into the Academy on results day, then you will need an appointment to come onto site. If you just need to collect results, you can do this from reception in the KWB2, where they will be given to you in an envelope, but only if you cannot print or access them at home. If you need to discuss one of the outlined requirements with a teacher, then you will need to make an appointment over the phone, by calling the Academy on (01922) 721071. Please then only attend at your appointment time. If there is a queue, this will be outside the building (weather permitting) and at 2m distances, as shown by the lines on the floor. If the weather is poor, those waiting will be asked to wait in the new Library area and again at 2m distances. Good hand hygiene should be observed and hand sanitiser pumps as well as handwashing facilities will be provided onsite. As soon as you have completed your business on site, you will be escorted off site and should head home.

8) I have some gifts/cards for my wonderful teachers and would like to give them to them. Can I come into the Academy? 

Wow! This is amazing and we love gifts… However, due to the need to keep numbers low, this is not the time for this to happen- can I suggest that you email your teachers and maybe there will be opportunity to come and see them at a point in the new academic year. We are sorry that these unique circumstances have taken these opportunities away from you, but we are having to abide by guidelines that none of us ever expected. There will be a celebration later in the year, where all of you will have the opportunity to see each other and your teachers.