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Entry Requirements

Minimum of 5 A*-C grades / grade 5 (new grading structure) at GCSE or equivalent with English, and maths.  Grade B or equivalent in GCSE Psychology is preferred but not essential. 

Course Description

Psychology attempts to explain individual behaviour and uncover general principles. The course will provide a broad introduction to Psychology as a science. It emphasises applying knowledge and understanding and will develop transferable skills of analysis, evaluation and critical thinking.

Paper 1 – Topics in Psychology– Within this unit you will learn about Social influence, Memory, Attachment and Psychopathology.

Paper 2 – Psychology in Context – Within this unit you will learn about Approaches in psychology including; Behaviourist, Biological, Cognitive, Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Biopsychology and Research methods including; Experiments, Observations, Statistics and Reports.

Paper 3 – Issues in Psychology – Within this unit you will learn about Aggression, Eating Behaviour, Relationships and all about Issues and debates in psychology including; Gender and culture in psychology, Free will and determinism, The nature Vs. nurture, Holism and reductionism, Idiographic and nomothetic approaches to psychological investigation. You will also study ethical implications of research studies and theory.


Three terminal, external examinations which will be sat at the end of Year 13. All of these exams are 2 hours long, equally weighted and combined are worth 100% of the total A-Level.

 Career Opportunities

Psychologist or Psychiatrist


Social Services

Domestic Violence Workers


Health Care
Management roles
  • European Union
  • Councillor
  • International Relations
  • Police
  • Magistrate

Course Details

For more information please contact Miss R Tranter. Psychology, in her office in the KWB or ext. 225.
