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At Joseph Leckie we see drama as a discipline rather than just another subject. During year 7 lessons, we promote the ethos that the skills students develop in the Drama studio are transferable to other areas of the curriculum and life outside the school gate.

We like to have fun teaching about drama through the drama and hopefully end the year with a wide range of drama skills.

Students will have the opportunity to perform to the rest of their class which will help to boost their confidence and communication skills.

Course Content

  • Team work and Characterisation - A selection of drama exercises to develop the students’ skills of working with each other.
  • Genre - Exploring different genres in order to understand the different ways you can act on stage Evacuees - Students to explore the emotions of the evacuees of World War II.
  • The Identification - Drama strategies including mime and slow motion will explore the background of characters and how a poem could be performed. Island
  • Adventure - Students explore the story and characters on a desert island ,solving their problems Mime-Different scenarios are performed without using any words.

Gifted and Talented Provision

  • All the areas of study allow students to explore further.
  • Students will have the opportunity to use technical equipment to develop their work.

Extra Curricular Opportunities

  • The Drama department runs an after school drama club open to all.
  • Whole school productions are also put on.


  • Students are assessed at the end of each project. The assessment is based on the Arts Council Drama levels. 
  • Assessments will be used to track student progress, inform decisions about sets and create individual targets which will raise their aspirations.
  • All students will have a personal assessment log to record their grades and for them to track their progress.

Equipment Required

  • Drama is a practical subject so the only thing required is a willingness to join in.

Useful Websites