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Religous Education

Students use religious and philosophical vocabulary to give informed accounts of religions and beliefs, explaining the reasons for diversity within and between them. They explain why the impact of religions and beliefs on individuals, communities and societies varies. They interpret sources and arguments, explaining the reasons that are used in different ways by different traditions to provide answers to ultimate questions and ethical issues.

Students use reasoning and examples to express insights into the relationship between beliefs, teachings and world issues. They express insights into their own and others' views on questions of identity and belonging, meaning, purpose and truth. They consider the challenges of belonging to a religion in the contemporary world, focusing on values and commitments.

Course Content

Throughout Year 7 students will be given the opportunity to develop their research skills and develop their understanding various religious beliefs and faiths. They will gain an insight into how different beliefs can influence the way we live.

Lessons will aim to inspire their imagination and develop a desire to learn more about the cultures and religions which exist in the world we live in today.

Founders of Faith

Judaism - Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, Exodus, Ten Commandments. 

Christianity -Jewish Messiah, Jesus’ Birth, Jesus’ Baptism, Temptations, Apostles, Sabbath, Jesus resurrection and crucifixion. 

Islam - Muhammad (PBUH), Five Pillars, Qur’an, Mosque (Masjid), Festivals, Worship.

Gifted and Talented Provision

  • Tasks related to high order thinking skills and use of terminology. 
  • Extension questions that will require students to reflect, enquire, empathise, reason or evaluate in depth to express their personal viewpoints on moral issues. 
  • Provision of reading materials related to major world religions, moral issues and philosophy.

Extra Curricular Opportunities

  • Activities run by external agency Faith Works after school (dance/drama/ debates/discussions). 
  • Annual KS3 RE Competition. 
  • Charity Fundraising initiatives in Academy.


  • Students are assessed formally using written assessments in the autumn and spring term related to the topics covered in the term. Students are assessed on an Independent project completed in the summer term. The programme of study adheres to the National Curriculum nonstatutory guidelines for RE published by QCA and directed from Walsall Agreed Syllabus. 
  • Assessments will be used to track student progress, inform decisions about sets and create individual targets which will raise their aspirations.
  • Students are expected to produce work in lessons which will reach levels appropriate to their ability. Homework will also be assessed according to levels as well as effort grades as and when necessary.

Equipment Required

  • Pen, Pencil, Ruler.

Useful Websites