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All students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of skills within English. They will build on previous knowledge from KS2 and cover all aspects of the National Curriculum in interesting and innovative lessons. Students will be encouraged to access a range of fiction and non fiction texts, in class and independently, throughout the two year key stage: this will support their learning and encourage reading which in turn will ensure progress in other curriculum area. They will develop the skills to write in a range of different styles and for a variety of purposes, all part of a carefully planned programme leading towards a final assessment at the end of KS4.

Course Content

  • Students will study the following during the year:
  • Information Texts
  • Persuasive and discursive texts
  • Recounts
  • Creative writing
  • Media texts
  • Moving image
  • Prose and poetry from Greek Myths to modern day
  • Shakespeare’s plays and more modern drama
  • A wide range of writers, from Chaucer through Shakespeare to Dickens, Dahl and Duffy

Gifted and Talented Provision

  • Key cards
  • Additional related differentiated tasks for identified students.


  • After an initial baseline assessment, students are assessed on Writing and Reading every half term to check their progress against rigorous attainment levels.
  • Reading ages are tested on entry and annually afterwards to check progress.
  • Assessment is used to track student progress, inform decisions about intervention and setting and create individual targets to raise pupils’ aspirations.

Extra Curricular Opportunities

  • Book club
  • Film Club
  • Competitions
  • World book day
  • Scholastic book sales
  • Young Writers’ competitions
  • Out of school visits

Equipment Required

  • Imagination, creativity and enthusiasm.
  • Independent reading books.
  • Pen, pencil, ruler.

Useful Websites