Business Studies
Students will follow the Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Business specification. They will begin the course in Year 9 and sit two exams in the summer of Year 11.
The course is designed to provide GCSE Business learners with:
- An understanding of how businesses work and operate.
- An understanding of how to build a business.
- An opportunity to apply learning to different business contexts
- An opportunity to develop of understanding of how different contexts impact on business behaviour
Edexcel GCSE Business Course
The Edexcel GCSE Business specification reflects the demands of a truly modern and evolving business environment. This qualification allows students to develop as commercially minded and enterprising individuals which will help them to succeed in their chosen pathway.
A range of business topics will be covered throughout the course, including:
- Entrepreneurship
- Spotting business opportunities
- Putting a business idea into practice
- Understanding external influences on business
- Making marketing decisions
- Making operational decisions
- Making financial decisions
- Making human resource decisions
Course Content
Theme 1: Investigating small business
Theme 2: Building a business
The Edexcel GCSE Business courses consists of two externally examined papers. Both sat in May/June of Year 11.
Theme 1:
Written examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes
50% of the qualification
90 marks
Theme 2:
Written examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes
50% of the qualification
90 marks
This course gives the perfect foundation for students to develop their skills and understanding ready to move into A-Level, T-Level or Vocational Level 3 study.
Students will be well prepared to continue their studies through an A-Level in Business, which will allow for progression to university or employment.