Child Development
Level 1 / 2 Technical Award (NCFE CACHE)
This will be taught over three years and students will learn about:
- Child development
- Care routines and activities to support development
- Early years provision
- Legislation relating to care of children
- Roles and responsibilities of an Early Years Practitioner
- Observation and planning in the early years
Learning will involve class discussions, written work, production of posters, booklets and resources to use with young children. This will build the students’ skills which will support lifelong learning.
Students can progress to health and social care or T level in Education and Child care in sixth form This can then lead to university or careers such as nursing, social work, teaching, child care and elderly care.
Course Content
- Unit 1 – An introduction to working with children 0-5 years
- Unit 2- Development and well-being of children 0-5 years
- Unit 3 – Child care and development of children 0-5 years (Examination module)
Written exam – externally marked -50%
Synoptic project – internally marked and externally moderated -50%