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Joseph Leckie Academy

  • Leadership, Empathy, Community, Kindness, Integrity & Environment

Vocational Studies

Level 1 Introductory Award in Vocational Studies

We offer the following course in one of our pathways for selected students.

The purpose of this qualification is to develop the transferable skills, attributes and behaviours needed for learners to progress to further study and ultimately to employment. The qualification is designed to be delivered in an applied way, bringing together appropriate content with practical and technical skills. 

Students will develop the skills that are sought after in the workplace and also in further study. There are a range of subjects who contribute towards this qualification and where possible we try to match students’ interests with their choice of subject for the units they cover. Learning will be fun, practical and engaging for the students who take part in this

Course Content

Year 9:

2 units of internally assessed coursework. Practical subject based.

Year 10:

2 units of internally assess coursework including the core compulsory unit.


Assessment is designed to fit the purpose and objective of the qualification and all units are internally assessed – giving learners the opportunity to demonstrate skills developed in applied scenarios.

There is a range of assessment styles suited to skills- and sector-based qualifications at this level. All units are graded to encourage skills development and performance.

All units are assessed internally using a grading scale of Pass, Merit and Distinction.


The qualification will set up our students to continue their studies at Post 16 at either Level 2 or 3; especially within vocational subjects.

Students could then choose to go on to university or enter the world of work using the skills that they started to develop whilst studying this qualification.