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Trust Board

The Articles of Association of the Academy require that “The establishment, terms of reference, constitution, and membership of any committee of the governors shall be reviewed at least once in every twelve months”.

Trust Board Members are/were appointed after successfully completing a formal application and interview. Any opportunities to join our Academy Trust Board will be advertised on the Academy Website.

The Joseph Leckie Academy Trust Board:

  • Reviews and agrees committees and panels each year.
  • Confirms who is on each committee and appoints a Chair and Vice Chair of each committee/panel each year.
  • Agrees the “terms of reference” of each committee/panel at the beginning/first meeting of each committee each year.

Name and Address of the Chair of the Trust Board:

Mrs Lisa Ingram 
(Please forward all communications to the chair of the Trust Board to the postal address of the academy, labelled for her attention).

Membership of the Trust Board 2024-2025

    Date of Appointment Term End Date
Chair of Trustees Mrs L Ingram 30/09/2021 29/09/2025
Vice Chair of Trustees Mrs N Tahir 04/10/2023 03/10/2027
Trustees Fr M McIntrye 04/07/2023 03/07/2027
  Mr J Ram 23/03/2022 22/03/2026
  Mrs A Walsh 23/03/2022 22/03/2026
  Dr M Rickhuss 27/06/2022 26/06/2026
  Mr J Owen 16/01/2023 15/01/2027
  Mr A Ram 04/10/2023 03/10/2027
  Mr A Singh 16/01/2023 15/01/2027
  Mrs A Gough 24/01/2024 23/01/2028
  Ms G Coles 02/10/2024 01/10/2028
Trustee & Accounting Officer Mr J Ludlow - Chief Executive Officer
Chief Financial Officer Mr S Millington - Chief Financial Officer
Members Mrs L Ingram 30/09/2021 -
  Mr A Ditta 11/10/2014 -
  Mr M Hussain 05/07/2018 -
  Mrs J Stewart 14/07/2022 -
  Mr N Sanders 07/03/2023 -
Clerk to Trustees Alice Jones - Governance Professional


  • Full Trust Board
  • Resource, Finance, Risk and Personnel Committee 
  • Curriculum and Standards Committee
  • Principal’s Pay Committee
  • Exclusions Committee

Committees and Membership

In order to carry out our role efficiently and effectively the detailed work of the Trust Board is undertaken by three committees. In addition to attending Full Trust Board meetings, all Trustees sit on at least one committee. The Committees report back to termly meetings of the Trust Board at which broader issues are discussed and agreed.

Curriculum, Progress and Standards Committee

The Curriculum, Progress and Standards Committee regularly reviews the curriculum to ensure it is broad, balanced and meets the needs of all students. The committee members also monitors progress, examination and other performance data through student attendance. The Committee also ensures that SEND requirements are met, thus promoting high standards of achievement for all students.

Curriculum, Progress and Standards Committee Members

Member Role
Mrs A Walsh Chair of Committee
Dr M Rickhuss Trustee
Fr M McIntyre Trustee
Mr J Owen Trustee
Mr J Ludlow CEO/Trustee

Resource, Finance, Risk and Personnel Committee

The Resource, Finance, Risk and Personnel Committee ensures sound management of the Academy’s finances including proper planning, monitoring and probity. It also monitors the management of the budget, cash-flow including variance, virements and projections.

The Resource, Finance, Risk and Personnel Committee reviews the use, maintenance and repair of the Academy premises including playing fields and ensures that applicable legislation particularly health and safety is complied with. It will also ensure that there are appropriate systems in place for the risk management of sites and buildings including playing fields.

The committee makes recommendations to the Trust Board for the use of the Academy capital allocation in line with the Academy Asset Management Plan.

Resource, Finance, Risk and Personnel Committee Members

Members Roles
TBC Chair of Committee
Mr M Rickhuss Chair of Trustees
Mrs N Tahir Trustee
Mr A Singh Trustee
Mr A Ram Trustee
Mr J Ludlow CEO/Trustee
Mr S Millington CFO (in attendance)
Miss R Cook Associate Principal (in attendance)

Principal's Pay Committee

The Terms of Reference of the committee will be as determined from time to time by the Trust Board. The committee will consider the Principal’s pay in accordance with his / her contract and any agreed performance targets.

Principal's Pay Committee Members

Members Roles
Any three trustees.

Exclusions Committee (Discipline Committee)

The committee acts as the Final Student Exclusion Committee for the Academy and will consider the Principal’s recommendation for permanent exclusion of a student in accordance with DfE guidelines.

Exclusions Committee

Members Roles
Any three trustees.

Full Trust Board Committee

The committee of the Full Trust Board takes place termly.

Attendance of Trust Board Individual Committees

To view the attendance of the Trust Board Individual Committees, please view our Trustees Report and Financial Statement, available on our Finance/Annual Reports and Accounts Page.

Trustees Declaration of Interests

Click here to view.