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Year 7 Catchup Premium

The Literacy and Numeracy catch-up premium gives schools additional funding to support Year 7 students who did not achieve at least Level 4 in reading or maths at the end of key stage 2 (KS2). Schools receive £500 for each student in Year 7 who did not achieve at least Level 4 in reading or maths at the end of Key Stage 2.

The purpose of this funding is to enable schools to deliver additional support, such as individual tuition or intensive support in small groups, for students who need it most.

In the academic year 2019/20, we received a total of £38,413.00. This funding is used to support the students in Year 7 in order to assist in bringing them quickly up to speed so that they are able to fully access the curriculum and reach their full potential at the Academy. The smaller groups in English and Maths allow a personalised approach to the needs of each student and with additional programmes such as Lexia allows them to build on their basic skills.  A number of students find that it has taken time to adapt to the new skills that are required in the Academy and to recap on the work covered in Year 6.  Our Transition Manager / Head of Year 7 has a programme of supported study whereby he works alongside Year 7 tutors to improve work habits, attainment, confidence and engagement in the Academy.

For 2019/20 academic year we are looking to maintain the way we use the Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch Up funding. Our aim is to continue to narrow the gap between the attainment of those students who were not deemed to be “Secondary Ready” (SATS scores of below 105 in English and Maths) and reading ages of more than two years below chronological age.

Strategies For Raising Levels of Literacy and Numeracy 2019-20

  • Additional classes for English and Maths to reduce the number of students per class and increase the potential for more teacher/students interaction.
  • Setting in English and Maths reviewed regularly.
  • Lexia sessions during tutorial periods as well as using some time in some English lessons via English Faculty teaching assistants. 
  • Additional staff to facilitate 1:2:1 session during tutor time.
  • Continued use of the RTI strategies.
  • Literacy Word of the Week (WOW) and Book of the Week launched with all staff via email every Monday during term time. Staff publish this and draw attention to it in tutorial sessions and lessons. Students are encouraged to use the new words weekly during lessons. 
  •  Students’ reading ages are assessed as soon as possible in the Autumn term which is then reviewed and referred to frequently in lessons.
  • Inclusion of reading ages into the SIMS data programme.
  • The Induction Programme for Year 6 at the start of July comprises lessons in English, Maths and how to utilise and access the Academy Library. 
  • Introduction of Ruth Miskin (Read, Write, Ink) phonics programme and staff training to support this. 
  • Promotion of reading in every tutorial session at least once per week and constantly updating books in the library. 
  • Year 7 Library inductions during tutor time. 
  • Reading materials are now part of the Academy equipment expectations.
  • The use of Form Time Booklets comprising of a series of Literacy and Numeracy tasks which are cross circular. 
  • Form Time reading logs. 
  • A Reading Passport competition to inspire reading across different genres. 
  • House Literacy competitions and a Readathon.
  • A weekly Paired Reader Programme supported by the Sixth Form students.  
  • Introduction of Numeracy Ninjas.
  • Rigorous tracking of students' progress half termly. 
  • Tutors, Heads of Year and Teachers are usign the data to support students who need to catch up. 
  • Students who need to catch up are easily identifiable in all classes via PIMS & SIMS.
  • Parental introductory phone calls for Year 7's parents by tutors to ensure that parents are clear about how they can support their child and to discuss how well they have settled into Joseph Leckie Academy. 

Impact 2019-2020


Success Measure Impact
Number and Percentage of Students who have made expected or better progress since arriving below Level 4 in Reading by the end of Year 7 56 students were eligible for the Catch Up Premium in English.


16 students received Form Time Lexia 100% are now making expected or better progress. 


1:2:1 Intervention

8 students received 1:2:1.

100% made expected progress. 

50% making better progress. 


Paired Reader

12 students received Paired Reader Support. 

100% are making expected or better progress. 


Ruth Miskin

8 students received 1:2:1.

75% made expected progress. 

38% are making better progress. 


  Number Percentage
Number of students eligible for Catch Up Premium in Maths (KS2 < 100) 82  
Number of eligible students making progress 35 43%
Number of eligible students making 2 sub levels of progress 9 11%
Residual against EoY7 target of eligible students -0.77