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Frequently Asked Questions When Starting Joseph Leckie Academy

Transition from primary to secondary school can be both an exciting and a nerve-racking experience for both parent and child. 

Please see below answers to our Frequently Asked Questions to support you with a smooth transition.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Joseph Leckie Academy.

Who do I contact for any Transition queries?

Miss Ravat is the Academy lead for Transition and can be contacted by email on

You can also contact the Academy reception on 01922 721071, to leave a message.

How can I keep up to date with the latest information regarding Transition?

Please feel free to continue visiting this Transition page or alternatively visit our social media pages.

Where do I purchase the Academy uniform and P.E kit?

The Academy uniform can be purchased from either Crested Schoolwear or Clive Mark. 

The Academy PE Kit is shown below; but please wait until you receive information in the post regarding which colour House Polo Shirt to purchase. 

The Academy blazer can now be purchased with the badge embroidered.  

All students in year 7 will also need to purchase a tie denoting which house they are in.

What stationery does my child need in September? 

We would recommend pens (black, blue, green (for carrying out corrections)), pencils, ruler, rubber, and a pencil sharpener.

It is also recommended that students purchase the Casio FX83GTX calculator to support with consolidating learning at home.

What date will my child start in September?

The first day has been calendared for Wednesday 6th September 2023.  Please continue visiting the Academy website or our social media pages for latest updates on opening.

Who is my child’s Head of Year and Form Tutor?

Mr Gain will be the Head of Year 7. Further details on your child’s form tutor will be sent to you in the post.

My child has SEND needs.  How can I be confident that the Academy is aware of this?

Rest assured all SEND information has been obtained from your child’s Primary school.  If you still need further clarification, please liaise with your child’s Primary School to ensure this is passed on.  Alternatively, feel free to contact our SENDCO Mr Wallworth on  to answer any queries you may have.

My child is the only one coming to JLA from their primary school.  As a parent, I am really worried about how they will settle in?

We have a number of students coming from a number of Primary Schools. We will try to ensure students who are coming to JLA on their own, are paired in a form with another student in the same situation to enable them to make new friends and settle in well.

My child is really anxious and worries about starting Secondary school.  How will they be supported at JLA?

All children are nervous and excited to start Secondary School.  If they are worried or unsure about anything they can talk to their form tutor/subject teacher, Mr Gain (Head of Year) or any other member of staff at JLA who will be more than happy to help. We are here to provide the best support and guidance possible, both academically and pastorally.

What are the lunch time arrangements at the Academy?

The Academy lunches and break-time food services are provided by our own JLA Kitchen Team, supported by CMC.  Students can also bring a packed lunch from home to eat at the Academy, if they wish.

What is ParentMail?

ParentMail is our online payment system at the Academy.  Money can be transferred on to your child’s account via the app to pay for the Academy tie, lunches, trips and the purchasing of Academy items. All parents will receive an email from IRIS Parent Mail to sign up to Parent Mail.

Further information on Parent Mail can be found on our ParentMail page.

How does my child pay for lunch?

At the Academy, we use a cashless catering system. This means that students will no longer have to carry lunch money, instead when paying for lunch their school ID card will be scanned and payment taken from their academy account. Money can be loaded onto the students’ account via ParentMail, our online payment system. 

My child is entitled to a Free School Meal (FSM). How will they receive this?

If your child is entitled to a FSM, please complete the online application available on our Transition page.

What subjects will my child study in Year 7?

At Joseph Leckie Academy, students will experience the full statutory range of subjects from the National Curriculum.  This includes core Subjects (Maths, English, Science and Physical Education), Humanities (History, Geography, Religious education) Technology, ICT/Computer Studies, Art, Music and French.

Do you provide extra-curricular activities/competitions for my child to participate in?

At Joseph Leckie Academy, students can take part in a number of exciting house competitions to gain points for their house.  These are coordinated by Heads of House and made available to students on a Weekly Bulletin via Form time.  We also offer a number of extra-curricular activities for students to participate in and our updated extra-curricular timetable will be available on the website in September.

What is the Academy’s Behaviour Policy?

The Academy’s Positive Behaviour Management Policy can be found on our Policies page. Alternatively, click here to download a copy of our Positive Behaviour Management Policy.

Can my child bring a mobile phone or any other electronic device to the Academy?

Mobile phones and other electronic devices are not allowed to be used on the Academy premises at any time. We operate an “on site, out of sight” policy so in the event that your child does carry a mobile phone/electronic device to the Academy, this must not be seen or heard from the moment they come through the Academy gates.  

Are students allowed to bring water bottles into school?

As part of our drive to support the environment, we do not allow disposable plastic bottles on the Academy. Students should be using Reusable Water Bottles.