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Year 8 Parent Consultation Evening

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The Year 8 parents evening will take place on Thursday 7th March 2024. This evening gives an important opportunity for you to meet the staff who teach your child and to discuss the progress that has been made since September as well as asking further questions on subjects that your child can take as an option at Key Stage 4.

You will be able to book your Parent Consultation Meetings in advance via Microsoft Bookings and then meet, in person, with your child teachers at the Parent Consultation Evening. If you have not booked, we cannot guarantee that you can meet your child’s teachers.

Each face-to-face appointment will be 5 minutes. Appointments will be available from 5.00pm to 7.00pm (the last appointment being 6.55pm).

All our Parent Consultation Evening appointments are 5 minutes. We do this to maximise the number of appointments available, so that all parents/carers have a chance to speak to their child’s teacher.

To ensure that the evening runs to time teaching staff have been asked to keep to the 5 minute appointment slots. Please don’t be offended if the member of staff closes your appointment after 5 minutes.

When arriving at the Academy for Year 8 Options Presentation and Parent Consultation Evening, please enter via the old car park, parking is available in the car park or on the Academy yard. Parent Consultation Evening appointments will be held in the CBB and the KWB, please sign in with a member of attendance team on the ground floor of the CBB or KWB on your arrival.

Click here to view the Microsoft Bookings Guide for Parent Consultations 

Click here to access the Microsoft Bookings Page