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Key Stage 5 Options

An important point of your life will come when you complete your Year 11 studies and you have a decision to make about where/how to continue with your education. This decision should not be left until after your Year 11 exams, you should probably start considering your options in Year 10 and then look to firm up your choice(s) in the first half of Year 11; leaving the rest of the year to concentrate on your exams and achieving the grades that you want/need.

​You will have the following options once completing Year 11:

  • Stay on at Joseph Leckie Academy Sixth Form
  • Join a sixth form at another school
  • Join a college, such as Walsall College
  • Start an apprenticeship/traineeship

​It is important that you have researched all of the above options so that you can decide what is right for you. You should discuss your thoughts and feelings with your family and your teachers at the Academy. You will also receive at least one, personal guidance interview with our Careers Advisor. You will be able to discuss your options with him, and he can even help you with applications to colleges, check CVs and offer interview support. If you would like to book a meeting with our Careers Advisor then please see Mrs Ebanks-Powell - your parents are also welcome to come into the Academy to be a part of the interview if you wish.

​You will have assemblies and information about the options available in the Joseph Leckie Academy Sixth Form. If you would like further information about our Sixth Form then please click here.

​For help and information about any of your options for after Year 11 then please use the links in the student menu or feel free to email Mrs C Ebanks-Powell at You should also use Unifrog to search for college/sixth form courses and apprenticeships.