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Remote Learning Resources

The Academy has a range of facilities available to support students when learning off site, details of some of these are below.

Please note: New content is being added continuously to this page and to the resources for students on our Office 365 systems. 

Further resources and information will be available on SharePoint for the students when they are logged in to the Academy's Office 365 systems. Alternatively this may also have been allocated to students via Ruler.

Just as a reminder student usernames for Office 365 are formatted as the below example:

First Initial.Surname(year of entry)

Once logged into their Office 365 account students will be able to access:


Students are issued with a JLA email address; this can be used to communicate with staff with regard to resources and work.

contact details for key staff

JLA Student Email/Outlook Guide

Students should abide by the Student Code of Conduct when emailing staff, as well as adhering to the 'Dos and Don'ts' guide available by clicking here. (This is also available to Students on the Student Noticeboard on SharePoint.

Parents are advised to also monitor emails with their children to keep up to date, on work being set and any communications with them.

Academy Staff will not be expected to answer emails outside of their regular work day (9.00am – 3.05pm), although they certainly may do so. Students are requested to not inundate staff with emails.

Ruler Classroom

Academy staff will continue to set homework using Ruler Classroom. Click below to access "how to find, complete and submit homework".

How to find, complete and submit homework


Each Department has their own SharePoint site where they will upload resources for students to use while they are off site. To access these resources please click below to go to the Curriculum page on the Student Noticeboard.

Curriculum Page - Student Noticeboard

In addition to these resources, students have access to the following online resources: OneDrive (cloud storage), Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint), Issues Online, Complete Issues and VLeBooks. Other services within individual departments are available, details of these will be available on the departments SharePoint pages.

If you have any queries regarding Office 365 and the Academy's planned Remote Education Provision, please do not hesitate to contact us.

If students are having difficulties accessing their Office 365 Accounts, they can request a password reset using the form linked below. When a password reset is requested it will be processed and then returned via text message to the student's registered contacts on our systems.

Password Reset Request Form

If for any reason the details cannot be retrieved in this way, please get in touch using the email address: providing your contact details, so that we can look into an alternative way of providing these to you.