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Transition 2021

Dear Parents/Carers, 

Welcome to Joseph Leckie Academy.  

To support a smooth transition, this dedicated webpage will grow with a wealth of information in the coming months.  Please keep visiting this page or our social media page for the latest updates.  

Unfortunately following the latest guidelines, we will not be able to hold Transition days at JLA, however our virtual transition day page will ensure you have an opportunity to meet members of the Academy and complete subject based summer activities.  Please click here to meet our staff and complete transitional activities for each subject. 

We also have a dedicated Frequently Asked Questions Page which you may find helpful, or please feel free to email me at 

Please find below information on how to complete our Data Collection Form, apply for Summer School and also to book a place on our Year 6 Parents Information Evening. 

Miss N Ravat 

Associate Assistant Principal. 

Forms to be completed: