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Week beginning 8th and 15th March 2021 Return to School and Key information for students

WEEK COMMENCING 8TH MARCH ONLY STUDENTS WHO ARE BEING TESTED ARE IN SCHOOL (except vulnerable / key worker students who have been in school during lockdown*) 

Your child will receive an email with further details on and their form's time slot.
An overview of the week and form time individual slots is below.

For full details of this please see the latest letter on our Letters Home page.

If you have not yet provide details for consent for your child please use the consent forms available online, or return the form to the Academy reception as soon as possible.

Free School Meals – W/C 8th March 2021

If you require a free school meal for your child week commencing 8th March 2021, on days for which they are not on site, please ring reception before 10.30 am to arrange for a packed lunch to be provided.

01922 721071 - ​​​Reception is manned daily from 8am

Year 11 appointment times from 8.40 on Monday 8th March. Stay in school on Monday. Then return on Thursday 11th and Friday 12th March.
Year 12 and 13 start from 11.45 on Monday 8th March. Stay in school on Monday. Then return on Thursday 11th March and Friday 12th March
Year 7 appointment times from 8.40 on Tuesday 9th March stay in school. Then return on Friday 12th March.
Year 10 appointment times start from 11.45 on Tuesday 9th March stay in school. Then return on Friday 12th March.
Year 8 appointment times start from 8.40 on Wednesday 10th March stay in school. Then return on Monday 15th March.
Year 9 appointment times start from 11.45 on Wednesday 10th March stay in school. Then return on Monday 15th March.
Year 11, 12 and 13 arrive at 8.40 on Thursday 11th March and go to form and will have Test 2 – released from lessons and return. You will be in school as normal on Friday 12th March.
Year 7 and 10 arrive at 8.40 on Friday 12th March and go to form and will have Test 2 – released from lessons and return to lessons.
*Vulnerable / Key worker students who have been in school during lockdown and have consented and been tested will arrive in forms on Monday 8th March and will be in lessons all week (tested on the same day as your year group).
*Vulnerable / key worker students who have been in school during lockdown but have NOT consented to testing will be in school (arrive through the old Academy reception) and based in Room 11.