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Appointment of a New Principal

As Chair of Governors I wanted to share with you the news that on the 8th February 2021, Governors appointed a new Principal for our academy.

Mr James Ludlow is currently Principal at a school in Wolverhampton and has 6 years of Headship experience.  The process was extremely close with 3 excellent candidates, however the panel felt that his extensive experience in delivering change and improvement, combined with his open and inclusive leadership style would best serve the Academy in the next stages of our journey.

We are in discussions with Mr Ludlow regarding a starting date and look forward to introducing you all to him over the coming months. 

In the meantime, Miss Cook, will continue to lead the school as she has so ably done during what continues to be such a challenging COVID period. The Governors would like to express our thanks to Miss Cook for her dedication and commitment to the Academy in the role of Acting Principal and would ask that you continue to support her as you have done so admirably over the past year.

Yours sincerely,

Lisa Ingram