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Remote Learning: Information for Parents

Since our return to the Academy in September, we have been working hard to ensure that all students are able to access the full curriculum, whether they are studying at home or in the Academy. As such we have developed our online resources and embraced new techniques for delivering content to students.

All students have an Academy email account which grants them access to Microsoft SharePoint (our shared learning platform), Microsoft Forms (online quizzes), Microsoft Teams (virtual lessons) and Microsoft Stream (video streaming). If your child is absent from the Academy, they will be able to complete all work from home using these programmes. Students may be encouraged to use other learning platforms such as Kaboodle, Seneca, Tassomai or BBC Bitesize where appropriate.

We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, some practical subjects have adapted their curriculum due to students being unable to access materials at home. All instructions for work will be set via email or Ruler Classroom and students should expect to receive the same amount of work in accordance with their normal timetable.

On Microsoft SharePoint students can find sites for all of their subjects. Subject departments will upload work and instructions to their site for students to access and complete. Additionally, subject departments may choose to supplement this work through the use of Microsoft Stream videos. This may be of a practical activity where that activity has not been able to take place or where staff choose to record videos to explain new concepts and/or provide instructions to students. These videos will be uploaded to SharePoint and/or students will be sent a link to these videos via emails or Ruler Classroom.

In the instances where we have large numbers of students self-isolating, staff may choose to deliver live lessons via Microsoft Teams. This means that students will be able to watch their lesson at home and listen to their class teacher explain the work they need to complete at the time they would normally be in their lesson. During a live Teams lesson, students will be allowed to ask/answer questions in the chat box, however, students must be aware that this is a monitored educational resource and should be used with maturity and respect. We have the ability to record live Teams lessons, so if a student is sharing access to computers/laptops/tablets and is unable to watch the live lesson, they can watch the recording at a later time/date.

In order to assess the progress students are making with their home learning, we are using Microsoft Forms to create quizzes that can be used as end of unit, mid-unit or end of lesson assessments. Students are sent links to quizzes that once completed are immediately submitted to their class teacher, allowing them to assess progress and understanding without students being in the classroom. Students will receive their feedback electronically and may reattempt these quizzes if they need to make improvements. We expect all students to complete the works set in the timeframe provided where possible. Students will be instructed, by email, where completed work should be submitted. Teachers and tutors may send reminder emails for work, if work is not received without reason across multiple subjects then you may be contacted to discuss your child’s progress.

Students use the majority of these resources regularly within the Academy and should be familiar with them. However, to help our students use these resources off site we have created a set of guides, these are available on our website:
For physical resources such as textbooks and revision guides, students would be informed by their class teachers whether these are available or how to access them from home if needed.

Where students have indicated that access to the Internet is not possible, we will be sending work home via post. However, please be aware this would not be every day, but instead students would be sent work for the period of isolation or every 3 to 4 weeks if lock down is reinstated. Any work completed at home must be returned to the Academy for assessment. If your child does not have access to any kind of computer/laptop/tablet computer then please contact the Academy and we can discuss Government allocation of resources with you. In addition, if your child requires any other specific support whilst working from home then you will be contacts by the appropriate link worker.

We greatly appreciate any support you can give us in ensuring that your child completes work set for them while they are absent from the Academy, for example encouraging them to follow their normal school routine. This will mean that your child does not fall behind and is well prepared for when they are able to return to school. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate in contacting the Academy.

Kind Regards,

Mrs R Tranter

Associate Assistant Principal

If you have any queries at all regarding this please get in touch via our Contact Us Page.