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Joseph Leckie Academy

  • Leadership, Empathy, Community, Kindness, Integrity & Environment

Extra Curricular

Please see below for our Extra Curricular Timetable, this is updated frequently with lots of great activities for our students' to take part in.

The 2023-2024 timetable is still being finalised, please check back soon. 

Students please see the house bulletin for information for upcoming clubs etc.

After school activities promote great physical, social, and mental health but they also provide developmental benefits that will help your child both in their education and their social skills. Clubs, classes and social groups can provide entertaining ways for your child to learn new skills and experience new things during their free time.

These clubs and activities can have a huge impact on education and academic success; developing skills helps boost their confidence and enthusiasm in the class.

Children who take part in a wide range of activities develop into sociable, passionate, independent and confident young adults who know how to work as a team, appreciate each other and value diversity.
Joseph Leckie Academy provides our students with range of wide activities before, during and after school but there are still a whole host of activities for your child to enjoy in the wider community.

Please have a look through the brochure below to see if you there is something to interest your child. Help them to develop wider interests and hobbies in order to grow into well rounded adults in the long term and be safer and happier children in the short term.

Safeguarding in Out-of-School Settings (DfE)

In December 2018, the government consulted on a (voluntary) code of practice for 'out of school settings' (OOSS).

Out-of-school settings do not have to follow any specific code of conduct with regards to health & safety, safeguarding or to act to prevent radicalisation or extremism.

The non-statutory Code of Practice has now been published and is made up of the guidance and a range of supporting documents for organisers and parents. The code covers advice on what policies and procedures providers should have in place for health and safety, safeguarding and child protection, staff suitability, and governance. There are guides and checklists for parents and carers to help them choose a safer setting for their child. I think it will be good to get the message out to them.

Following this guidance is voluntary for settings (aside for the legal requirements which are made clear throughout the guidance) – and the DfE will not monitor or assess whether providers are implementing the practices set out. However, by adopting these practices, organisations will be taking reasonable steps to ensure the safety of children using their services and attending these settings.

The guidance covers:

  • community activities
  • after-school clubs
  • supplementary schools
  • tuition
  • music lessons
  • sports training
  • other activities for children that take place without their parents’ or carers’ supervision, that are not a:
    • schol
    • cllege
    • 16 t 19 college
    • prvider caring for children under 8 years old registered with Ofsted or a childminder agency settings

Keeping children safe during community activities, after-school clubs and tuition: non-statutory guidance for providers running out-of-school settings (webpage)

Keeping children safe in out-of-school settings: code of practice (Non-Statutory) pdf

Other helpful documents in the series

  • Information for self-employed providers or volunteers running out-of-school settings
  • Information on safeguarding for providers of tuition and faith groups
  • Information for providers on keeping children safe in sports clubs and other extra-curricular activities
  • Seven steps checklist towards running a safe club, activity or tuition class for children
  • Safeguarding for providers of extra-curricular clubs, youth organisations and study groups
  • Guidance for parents and carers on safeguarding children in out-of-school settings
  • Information for parents choosing an after school club, community activity or tuition

All the documents can be found here: